Commercial Kitchen Floor Coatings
Keep Your Doors Open... New Durable Floors in Just Hours!
Floor Shield is quick to return to service, cost-effective and easy to maintain and clean.
Restaurants and kitchens face numerous difficulties including substantial wear, spills and constant need for cleaning. It's additionally a slip and fall hazard. Floor Shield offers numerous benefits. A floor covered with Floor Shield turns into a consistent, solid surface. The very substance of the covering disposes of splits, creases, and grout lines where microscopic organisms can stow away and stains can form. Instead of your old tile floor, a consistent Floor Shield frameworks is simpler to perfect and more hygienic. With various enemy of slip added substances, the floor improves specialist safety. Floor Shield might be applied straightforwardly over current clay and vinyl tiles.
Also, Floor Shield polyaspartic coatings have essentially no smell, limiting any distress to you or your clients during and after application.
Floor Shield floor coatings can be applied in not more than hours, and our certified instruments can normally finish a vocation short-term and return the floor to support inside 1 to 2 hours after application. Actually, our floor coatings can be applied straightforwardly to most hard surfaces, including existing clay or vinyl tile flooring. So we can additionally lessen application time by wiping out the need to eliminate existing flooring.